Swift Collect assists Corporations in the timely and efficient management of debt and the recovery of outstanding contributions and levies.
Our goal is to provide the best possible outcome for Corporations who seek to minimise the inconvenience caused by owners’ unpaid commitments.
From time to time, and for various reasons, owners may fall behind in payment of their contributions or levies. The debt management process can be complicated and time consuming.
Swift Collect can assist your Corporation by managing this task and provide expertise in the management of debt and legal process
We will contact debtors upon expiry of Corporation issued Final Notices and seek immediate payment of the outstanding amount.
If immediate payment is not possible arrangements may be entered into but will be subject to strict guidelines unless otherwise specified and agreed by the Corporation.
Our processes seek to resolve the outstanding amounts as soon as possible to enable the Corporation to meet their own commitments or to proceed with scheduled works without costly delays.
Our processes also seek to work with the debtors to ensure that their debt does not escalate beyond control and result in costly Court proceedings.
Swift Collect Pty Ltd
P: 1300 4 SWIFT (1300 479 438)
E: info@swiftcollect.com.au